Service Offerings
Johnson Appraisal Company performs appraisal and valuation assignments for Rural Properties, Agriculture, and Forestry. Servicing the following states: Minnesota, Alaska, New York, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

We do really well in this space, giving the land owner peace of mind knowing the total value of their farm. Rural Property appraisals factor in the fair market value of the land, the buildings and their purpose and usability, along with the livestock owned by the farm.

We’ll help your neighbor “Buy The Farm”
Agriculture appraisals, are based on Cost, Sales, and Income. Cost is calculated on the various attributes of the property and their value. A Sales comparison is performed against neighboring properties, and Income is determined by the estimated production against the expenses of the operation.

Understanding the nuances of Forestry Appraisals requires years of experience with forestry finance, valuation and appraisal techniques. Valuating the timber inventory is all part of the multiple phases of this type of appraisal.